Global Shapers Minneapolis Hub


Global Shapers Minneapolis Hub


Minneapolis, Minnesota

What is Global Shapers?

Global Shapers is a network of young people driving dialogue, action and change.

Why did your group decide to open a Venn Account?
Our group decided to open a Venn Account as part of an impact project this year. Each year we evaluate opportunities to make an impact in our community with time, energy, and funding. Though we have an existing donor-advised fund with another institution, a Venn Account was attractive because it allows us to recommend PRIs in addition to grants, to support social businesses in addition to public charities, and to pool our modest funds with other donor accounts to make a much larger impact investment.

What is one Venn PRI you are proud to have supported and why?
We chose to support Fair Anita with our first PRI because the work Joy and her team are doing aligns with our group's purpose statement, which ends with "putting people first and use our collective strengths to complement each other’s efforts to create positive, sustainable systems change." By connecting talented artisans that are in some way marginalized in their communities with markets and customers who value their craft, Fair Anita is creating sustainable economic opportunity for women around the world. It is inspiring and something we wanted to be a part of!

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