Damascus Road Partners


Damascus Road Partners


National network based in Los Angeles, California

What is Damascus Road Partners?
Damascus Road Partners is a national network of innovative philanthropists who are redefining charitable giving. Our partners pool their charitable capital and collectively invest in social enterprises that are sustainably addressing human suffering.

Why did your network decide to open a Venn Account?
Our partners are looking to collaboratively make investments into social enterprises with our charitable dollars.  Not only does Venn have a unique expertise in sourcing, vetting, negotiating, and managing these types of investments, it has a powerful model for syndication.  With a Venn Account, our network can easily participate in an investment right alongside other philanthropists.

What is one Venn PRI you are proud to have supported and why?
We are really proud to be an anchor donor for Venn’s PRI to Breathe99.  Given the huge shortage of Personal Protective Equipment like face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were immediately drawn to this company and wanted to provide below-market capital so that it could quickly ramp up production of its new B2 Mask.  Our network also is excited to help the company with our connections as well. 

Interested in Joining?
Founded in 2019, our network currently has 10 members and is looking to expand. Contact Mark Steburg for more information.

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