Venn makes customized
Program-Related Investments (PRIs)
funded by donor syndicates.

Photo by dimdimich/iStock / Getty Images



A Powerful Tool

Program-Related Investments (PRIs) are a powerful and versatile tool in the philanthropic toolkit.  PRIs can be made to advance any charitable purpose, to any kind of entity, in any financial structure.  And any financial returns can be recycled for new charitable purposes, multiplying impact.  Learn more...


Untapped Potential

Most donors do not know about or use PRIs today: 

  • Individuals and businesses cannot make PRIs with charitable donations directly.

  • Most donor-advised funds are not allowed to recommend PRI distributions.

  • Only a tiny sliver of private foundations use PRIs. In 2004, the peak year for PRIs from 2000-2010, only 137 of ~66,000 US private foundations (0.2%) made one or more PRIs. (Lilly School)

Only 0.2% of US private foundations made 1+ PRI in 2004, the peak year for PRI use from 2000-2010.

Only 0.2% of US private foundations made 1+ PRI in 2004, the peak year for PRI use from 2000-2010.



The Venn Model

Using specialized donor-advised funds called "Venn Accounts" (TM), any individual or entity can recommend that Venn make PRIs with their charitable donations.  Venn can syndicate any one PRI among any number of Venn Accounts.  Any financial returns from these PRIs go back to participating Venn Accounts for the donors to recommend redeployment into new PRIs or as grants to nonprofits.

See real examples of Venn PRIs made using this model.